Montrose Community Pasture   05-04

February, 2005

We will drive your snowmobile for you, if we have to cross a road way.

We check often, to make sure your gear and your snowmobile is functioning properly.

We stop often so you can communicate with your friends and family!

We are there when you get stuck! Getting stuck is half the fun!

We are there at just the right time to take some snaps for you that you can share with the world!

If you need us to pick something up at the store we can help!

If you feeling like you are in over your head just wave! We are there to help!

If you need someone to call home and make excuses, or set the VCR, we can do that too!

  Nope..Nope..there's no way we're have'in fun, lets just go home!

 Ripp'in up a hill side in the Montrose Community Pasture.

There's a time to get off...........


................and there's a time to let off!



 Stuck again!





Day turns into night when your have'in fun!