SNOCRUISE Tour Rental Formalities and Requirements

  • HJC full face helmets and No Fog masks included

  • Snowmobile suits included - a good selection is available. When you book be sure to reserve your gear.

  • Orientation is an integral part of our tours, and very much part of "What makes the experience a Success"

  • Hand and thumb warmers on all models

  • Meals, Fuel and oil extra

  • Liability waiver and tour agreement documentation

  • Security Authorization of $1500.00 Optional: $30.00/day assurance for $750.00 snowmobile collision minimum Visa/MC


It's all about YOU,
the GEAR,
the SLED,
and the whole TEAM Interaction!

Orientation is an integral part of our tours,
and very much part of,
"What makes your snowmobile experience in a Success"


  • First and foremost the snowmobile tour that we arrange together, is for your own personal enjoyment! Of course your participation during orientation and on tour is for your benefit!

  • After indoor and hands on outdoor orientation your comprehension for snowmobiles safety and operation is crucial to the safety and enjoyment of the whole group.

  • First time snowmobilers, we just about always start off on the Groomed trail for part of our orientation, this way our customers can concentrate on the snowmobiles controls and worry about the more off trail balance and snowmobiles manners in the deep back country snow.




O.K. you ask why is being part of the team seem so important?

  • Snowmobiling believe it or not is a team sport. As a team we go out and ride, and as a team enjoy the day. As a team we also all have down time if trouble occurs.

  • First and foremost the snowmobile tour that we arrange together, is for your own personal enjoyment! Of course your participation during orientation and on tour is for your benefit!

  • After indoor and hands on outdoor orientation your comprehension for snowmobiles safety and operation is crucial to the safety and enjoyment of the whole Team so pay attention, practice with your gear so others who are prepared and ready to go, are not annoyed by your lapse in prep.

  • Your attitude towards Team participation is very important. and understanding our goals as a team. Our goals primarily are lets go have some fun in the snow and if we have destinations set out...lets get there and back!