So where do you keep your
Only In SASKATCHEWAN We have lots of High banks! Only In SASKATCHEWAN We have lots of River Banks! Only In SASKATCHEWAN Stuck In Dry Powder like no other place in North America! NO WHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD DO YOU HAVE OPEN PRAIRIES NEXT TO FOREST
FRINGE AREAS SUSCEPTIBLE TO WIND AND BLIZZARDS! Another place that we do find snowbanks on a regular basis is in these back Road Corridors, and they can be intensely aggressive. Often once you enter, it is a narrow abandoned road allowance surrounded by trees, the opportunities to turn around is usually nil. You can only manually turn the sled around with tall potentially very firm 3 to 10 foot banks all around you. Even a group could be caught in this situation for hours, to travel a very short distance. The reason for this is that the banks that blow in can be anything from bottomless, to very hard snow formations. You have to gauge your abilities, and hit these banks with a significant amount of aggression, that is to say W.O.T! and the response provided by a lightweight 2 stroke is crucial inside the BACK ROAD CORRIDORS. You would find that many riders from SASKATCHEWAN would prefer to take their chances in the mountains than ride the snow cross like conditions, you experience in the back road corridors!