Ride with the Boyz
How are you
19 - 02 / 03 / 04 VF
Cross Country Option
January 25/26/27, 2019
Friday, Macdowall to
Macdowall to the Muskaday Reserve to gas up
(We are riding in very snowy conditions,
beautiful new snow, visibility down to less that
a KM at times).
We had stopped 1/2 way to our scheduled fuel
stop to have a democratic conversation! In the
shelter of some pioneer buildings and caragana
trees we held court. I first announced
that I was OK, I did not mention that I soon
discovered a mile into the ride that I no
longer had a right hand hand warmer or thumb
warmer. (I have a set of gauntlets in place that
on cool days l, like last year this time allow
you to wear gloves comfortable and warm. In
today's -33 C temps with wind I have noticed the
cold even wearing the Trigger Finger Mitts that
I supply my "Tour Customers" on cooler days.
They are not enough. I soon discover that by
combining the trigger finger we still have a
problem...but by swapping mitts from side to
side wearing them backwards alternately "I am
OK" I get the heat from gripping the bars (
yes first real ride of the years and the
aggressive last 40 miles on the way back day 3
develope huge water blisters, calluses and even
a black bruise below that on one hand, amazing
what you do and don't feel when it is time to
grab "ER by the horns and let 'ER rip!!
) We have a vote, or at least I propose
it, because of the weather, to stay the course
or pull the plug? I am told by 5 people to shut
up, get on my sled and ride! Ok it was
democratic and I can take a hint! Lets Rock!
I see my odometer was reading
miles at Muskaday when we stopped for fuel.
OK we fueled up
and are headed for the North Branch and the
ferry crossing. 1/2 way there from our fuel stop
the handle bars break cleanly off one of the
sleds. Man this is a little devastating. I
personally find this pretty defeating because it
is pretty much terminal for
someone. Analyzing it someone ponders if we had
a drill. I have no
comment. It is going to take a miracle at this
point. The thought of leaving the sled in this
field for another weekend and for the moment
just doubling out until a ride from Saskatoon
can be arranged is flawed. We cannot leave the
sled here. Our T660 volunteers to hook the
downed sled to his back bumper and the boys are
tying in a tree for the tow.
Kiddo suggests "Dad
knock on doors and see if we have a place to
leave 'ER".
OK with a mission on my plate I refocus and
start knocking on doors. Man it is a miracle if
I have ever seen one. The video and a few snaps
will show up on this page when I get it
built...in the end it turns out we lost more
time over a hose clamp in
Our 2017 Trip
than the time we lost
over this broken handle bar!! UNBELIEVABLE!!
This year
again like last year we will ride the whole trip
thru stormy weather. We stop in the shelter of
some old log buildings for a hot dog lunch, we
had a pile of them in the cookers since we left
Willoughby. Yea some were a little over cooked
and some slightly under but warm, not black,
fully eatable! It was a warm welcome treat.
After this stop I see a few people are doing
jumping Jacks and every time we stop there is
some fuel gauge checking going on. A fresh fill
for the season, my SaberCat tank is rated at 50
L. When I filled it a couple days ago I used the
felt marker at the 25 L mark. She took 45+ L so
obviously there was 4+ L still hiding in the
bottom that was not siphoned in the spring of
2018. With all the fuel checking it is apparent
that the EFI sleds are burning more fuel than
normal. Especially noticeable since we are
pretty light on the throttle because of
visibility. Automatically EFI is burning a ton
of fuel. More than the carbed 700 redhead in the
group. I am low enough that I take on 4ish L
from the spare fuel can on the redhead. WE pull
out of our shelter and I pull the plug on the
rolling W.O.T. scenic route. We go E until we hit a
road allowance and we head N straight for the safety of the #55 highway ditch. From there she
is on cruise control (yea sure we were) for the
next small town with pumps, we bypass the first
one not knowing out of the way what they have
and roll into one we have been to before.
My odometer read 98 miles (158 KM) as we short
stop for fuel. Some time later odometer reads
115.7 miles (187 KM) as we rolled in to Choiceland.
At the Choiceland Curling rink, curling has been
taken over by new management and the ice has not
been put into play this year yet! ? WE all know
it certainly has been cold enough!! OK it is
time for plan B!
Choiceland to the Forte a la Corne.
We will have a couple
local lads come along with us today. They had
looked at our maps and knew that the goal of the
day would be to ride down to the forest border
and possibly cross the Whitefox river into the
trees. Not exactly a beautiful bright sunny day
like last year but with the local boys leading
we get to follow our "middle day" route that was
originally proposed last year. See the 19-03VF
page map.

The Fort a la Corne Forest is calling out to us!
It turns out this is going to be one nice day
that we break up into AM and PM giving us time
to thaw out!
Sunday, Choiceland to Macdowall.
We enjoy a community
breakfast 9 AM ish. We pack up and head out, deciding
on the fly, inputs being snow conditions we
crossings, fuel stops and overall riding area country
side, landscape and scenery conducive to some of the
nicest riding conditions you could ask for. Man back
into a cloudy day similar to Friday! We have our tracks
to ride back on...when we can find them. Every once in a
while we are able to spot our Friday tracks in the open fields. We pick
our way and stumble right onto the Whitefox river with
out realizing it until it ends up on the pioneer
crossing. We blast down the road allowances and make a
slow steady run across the open country side where the
wind is blowing. We end up off course a couple times,
always corrected, if not with a ton of labor the one
time "STUCK STUCK STUCK" this would be the light version
of one episode. Myself once I start going off the front
of the snowmobile it just doesn't stop, yup I take the
windshield with me, like three times!! Duct tape
city....eventually getting closer to home plate just
before our last fuel stop...we see the sun, and with
definition unparalleled, cameras rolling, let 'ER rip my
Overnight cross country package -4 person minimum. Lots and
lots of Km's through Nisbet Forest around outlaying country side and
Transportation for 4 persons and all
gear fully
included. Each individuals fuel and oil extra as required.