Our SNOCRUISE Sleds are equipped with a
Slow Cooker

SNOCRUISE will drive your snowmobile for you, if we have to cross a road way.

SNOCRUISE will check with you often, to make sure your gear and your snowmobile is functioning properly.

SNOCRUISE will stop often if you wish, so you can communicate with your friends and family!

SNOCRUISE is there when you get stuck! Getting stuck
is half the fun!

SNOCRUISE is always there at just the right time to take some snaps for you that you can share with the world!

If your feeling like you are in over your head just wave!
SNOCRUISE is there to help!

SNOCRUISE always, when ever possible, tries to end our day with a nice
Sunset .


We Equip our best sleds that we use on our full day tours with a handy SLOW COOKER. This has turned out to be a neat little item that given a reasonable amount of time and a group experienced enough to stay on the throttle will benefit from hot dogs or smokies on the trail.

And what misinformed soul as suggested that 2 strokes don't smell good!

The cooker unsnaps for easy acess.

The cooker mounts on the snowmobile exhaust system.

The options of cooking food while we ride is offset by the saws and hatchets that are great to have along should u decide to do the outdoors BBQ.