
SNOCRUISE will drive your snowmobile for you, if we have to cross a road way.

SNOCRUISE will check with you often, to make sure your gear and your snowmobile is functioning properly.

SNOCRUISE will stop often if you wish, so you can communicate with your friends and family!

SNOCRUISE is there when you get stuck! Getting stuck  is half the fun!

SNOCRUISE is always there at just the right time to take some snaps for you that you can share with the world!

If your feeling like you are in over your head just wave! SNOCRUISE is there to help!

SNOCRUISE always, when ever possible, tries to end our day with a nice
Sunset .





















Looking north down the trail to the 1786 Hudson Bay Company's South Branch House location.

Looking east at the cairn marking the South Branch House location





North from the site.

South from the site.

South down the South Branch.

We West across the river.

Looking north up the South Branch towards the winter Bucket Stop crossing location. The Steamers would of come from this direction when they brought freight out from Winnipeg.

 Looking a little northerly across the river.



Is that the trail that would lead to the Northwest Company's South Branch House also founded across the river in 1786.

Or is that the trail? One of these maybe the Bucket Stop trail!



This a ravine down onto the river right next to the trail leading into the South Branch House.

An old time homestead site.



This is the Sask River Valley Tourist Attraction map.

Some St. Louis History Society information.

Other links related to the Nisbet's History. Nisbet Forest and area  Snocruise rides with a  little mix of local history in pictures. 