We stop to stretch on Hi-Way 11 north of Prince Albert about
half way to Weyakwin. That is Montreal Lake in the back ground
on the horizon. |
Not far down the trail on the first warm day yours truly...
...has already managed to slid
off the trail on the +5 marbles! |
We take this trail SW of Weyakwin that takes us across the road
then onto "Drag Race Lake" |
Ok and Percy warned us that there was a spring feeding this
lake, first I get bogged down then MR 81SS parks right on the
gushing 1 foot ice fishing hole in the snow swelling with water
from below. |
Water skipping
Making a bunch of passes the other guys mash the snow into water
so we have a chance of spinning our way out thru the slush out
here on the ice below. |
OK after our wet to the knees adventure we head back to South
Bay and our cabin to warm up. |
We stop along the way to look at this trappers cabin. Geez were
not even cold anymore hmmm... |
Ya ya just don't put your pants to close to the chimney or you
will melt them. |
Now that we are feeling so warm dry and toasty I think we will
go out for a spin on South Bay and entertain a couple hundred
school kids who are up for the afternoon ice fishing. |
Wrong, bad move we entertained them alright after this barrel
roll (multiple times I might add, same incident though) that
smashed the hood all to you know what! |
We were (I WAS)given a standing ovation mind you for the high speed
maneuvers thru the slush and snow on South Bay! |
Just lucky there was no serious injury, times have changed. |
Day 2 time...who knows but we have circled around on Cheeyas
Lake to an exit off the middle west side. |
Near here we come across an old Chevy parked in the bush! What a
story, how did it get here? |
Then there is the always well meaning friendly gesture! |
Stuck in a large snow bank just off the lake. |
And we actually stop to eat. By hiding bears deep in the snow I
am able to keep a reserve going to last me the day. |
And this guy was wanting to know where I kept finding the beers! |
On the afternoon of the 2dnd day the temps were up but the open
lakes were cool and windy. |
Who knows if it was this lake, where I discovered I had lost my
camera AGAIN man and a
quick loop of the lake didn't turn it up, |
...but heading out on the next trail I lead and found it in like
50'! Just about got rear ended in the process! |
That Coors bag hung in there for 3 days, keeping it up on the
tank was murder. |
Yours truly has over sped this trail resulting in both skis
folded in at the middle. |
Day 3 we start the morning off with a hearty barley breakfast! |
There's that Coors bag. |
We head up Weyakwin Lake past a big ice heave and travel up the
Weyakwin River. |
Coming back down the river yours truly goes into a pretty fast
ice skid into some trees sticking out of the river bank. Ouch
more damage |
Dented up some running board and lower rear belly pan, didn't
get to exited about waving my right arm around for a while
either! |
Some one gets stuck inside the River bay looking out onto the
lake thru the trees. |
Where's all your sign gestures now? |
Did I hear someone say help? |
OK so someone is going to help him. |
Now after a launch like that you should just roll out and glide
up onto the snow. |
Nope WOT digging in. |
May be another swig of that wine skin will help! |
Man I have no memory of this photo, |
...but I see in the close up that someone is down on the ground! |
This was a particularly large tree in a forest of small stuff on
the East side of the lake. |
And to top it off this tree showed a lot of evidence of being
burnt al long time ago. |
OK if you open your mouth I will spray in the contents from my
wine skin! You get the picture! |
Out of the forest the snow pack still remains on the trail
everyone had been using. |
Back in the bush the snow is fine! |
Can't stay in the saddle hey! |
Holy there is... |
..a lot going.. |
...on in these photos! |