Our SNOCRUISE 600 Triple Deluxe






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Our SNOCRUISE 600 Triple's

Our 600 Triple 121"



 Hear it Run!.....
this year a new '17  Project sled
Our 600 SX DX.  
17-08 F,    17-06V,   


Read more.....
17-08 F,  16-07 V F, 16-02, 16-01 F,
F, 15-04 F,

Our SNOCRUISE 600cc Triple
100 HP Snowmobile

This group of snowmobiles all have features that set themselves apart from any one else's, even privately owned sleds normally do not incorporate the extras that we see as standard equipment on our Premium models.

  • Warm snowmobiles that have an actual cowling, windscreen and some mass between you and the elements. We don't control the Weather, so the benefits of our snowmobiles would not be obvious until you take the time to think! This Yamaha has the heat exchangers in the right places and anti freezing fuel system heaters which helps you deal with all kinds of weather.

  • Raised handlebars with handlebar hooks, make the bars wider for better Ergonomics, for leverage and a higher position for standing, so you can change your riding position safely.

  • Premium shocks and the latest variable rate front springs available for a suspension tuned to follow the terrain.

  • Not just performance precise Handling Skis, but these models incorporate the latest DUALLY or WOODYS dual carbide ski runners, expensive, however the results, when you encounter a rutted trail is just astonishing. On a lighter sled you would think that we've added power steering. (a new snowmobile feature for 2011 on a $17,000.00 machine)

  • Skid Plates on all our sleds just because, a skid plate will absolutely minimize damage, like a shark bite only different!

  •  Our 600cc Triple Trail Boss's are equipped with a 1.25" x 121" light weight TRACK for that little extra agility in the tight Nisbet Forest trails.
    121 spells FUN!!

  • They also have electric gas gauges and electric plugs for heated visors, more of our customers are showing up with their own helmets which are with heated visors, a couple customers bring just the heated visor and attach it to our helmets!

  • These sleds are also equipped with a hatchet and a bow saw just in case your trail is blocked with some light dead fall, or you decide to do the outdoors BBQ.

  • These premium models are available with a warm weather spring time low windshield option, just for those days when you actually want to ride in the wind!

  • Many of our sleds are equipped with under hood Slow Cookers these are handy on full day rides where time for an outdoor cookout or access to a small town for lunch is not on the options list. You decide how when and where we chow down!

  • What does she weight?




  • These models are all equipped with the long travel smooth riding suspensions.

  • Yamaha designed these models by pushing the envelope, and industry standards with a wide stable 42"+ center to center ski stance.


  • The front suspension has 9 full inches of travel.


  • The fully coupled rear suspension has a full 11.5" of vertical travel, not a deceiving pivoting travel measurement.

The rigid but lightweight DELTA BOX, DIE CAST,  flat handling, aluminum chassis that has supported over a 100 models, a whole generation of good snowmobiles, until the very recent 4 stroke chassis changes.

  • True ONE FINGER hydraulic disk brakes.

  • Great Ergonomics, handle bars that steer from a point closer to the shoulder than the waist, and foot rests where you can lock in with your toes, for a secure ride.

  • Easy to pull throttle, heated grips and heated throttle that are still the envy of the industry.

  • These models are also equipped with warm full height windshields.

Snocruise snowmobile EVOLUTION
