A fun ride thru the Nisbet Forest. We stop by the buffalo jump then hit
some great play areas in the Nisbet Forest area. Later in the afternoon we head
into St. Louis for lunch and fuel.
We unload near the site of the original St. Laurent
So are these grins before or after we hit a little slush
on the edge of the South Branch!? We are now at the
buffalo jump used primarily before
the First Nations people obtained guns and horses, about 1735.
An old homestead on the edge of the Nisbet Forest.
Stopping for a breather. A short video here.
Enough riding around in some play areas....time to head
to St. Louis to eat!
St. Louis restaurant and fuel stop.
Heading out of St. Louis for some rolling fields.
Pull the trigger on some rolling fields topped with some
nice snow banks.
We move on to some of the steeper hills near the South Branch.